Where Are You Getting Your Information?

Bible Study Archives - Today's Daily Blessing

This is truly the information age, is it not? Only a hundred years ago information was provided via mouth to mouth, telegraph, books and newspapers. Today, we can add to that the internet; television, radio, podcasts, cell phone, social media, etc.

Unfortunately, nearly all communications today is not just providing information. It is providing you with information based on skewed facts and data, and in many cases simply purely fictional information, provided and presented as facts.

Below is a Youtube video, that I believe to be factual that explains a bit of what I’m talking about:

That video, however is not the point of my blog today. The point of my blog today is that there is something that we can trust and put our faith in. It also provides in great detail the very things that are going on in the world. That something is: the Bible.

The Bible tells us in  2 Timothy 3:16… All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness…

This verse gives us one of the most succinct expressions of the value of Scripture  in a believer’s life. Below is a simple breakdown of the key words and phrases and their meanings:

All scripture… every part of the Bible matters. There are no unimportant books or verses.

Inspired by God… literally, “breathed out by God.” God is the author of Scripture.

Teaching… What we need to know, Scripture tells us. Scripture provides us with all necessary direction, clarification, explanation, and revelation to live as Christians.

Reproof… When we rebel against God, Scripture rebukes us. Scripture tells us where we are wrong and calls us to abandon any belief and behavior contrary to God.

Correction… When we make mistakes, Scripture corrects us. Scripture provides what we need to move from false belief or unbelief to true faith.

Training in Righteousness… As we mature, Scripture shapes us. God’s word shapes our relationships, work, worship, and every other part of our lives.

Simply put, God’s Word is all we need to get through life. Nothing else is required, we can trust God and His Word in all the uncertainties of life. Nearly all mainstream media is doing its best to mislead, misinform and scare the snot out of you.

God’s Word brings peace… so, I’ll ask you this: What are you reading? If it isn’t the Bible or pointing you back to the Bible… can you really trust it?

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